
Shorter Articles in Newspapers  -  (from Curriculum Vitae)

Bi-weekly column about political and economic issues at La Raza Newspaper. Chicago, 2007.

Suggestions about how to Teach Macroeconomics at Saint Augustine College.: St Augustine College Resource Booklet for Instructors Faculty Papers. Chicago. pp 7 – 15, 1998.

Analysis about produce marketing in Yucatan (the papaya case), Newspaper HOY, edited by Department of Economics of Autonomous University of Yucatan Press, Mérida. No. 7 and 8. pp. 11-14 and 16-20 respectively, 1995.

Economic considerations about the interrelation between economics and environment in Yucatan livestock production. Newspaper HOY, No. 3, edited by the Department of Economics of Autonomous University of Yucatan . Mérida, No. 3, pp. 8-12. 1995.

Important factors influencing the sugar cane crop programming. Journal Bohemia, Havana,. No.15, pp. 25-26. April 1989.

12 articles were published in the international electronic journal www.cubanalisis.com (11 in Spanish and 1 in English).